Why Thai Bribes?

We are seeing the trend that more and more Westerners choose to marry Thai women in the last 5-10 years. Although we Thais have heard about the trend for sometime, I was quite surprised when a Thai guide who took us around a small town in Germany told us that there were a good size of Thai community even in that small town. In fact some tens of thousand Thai wives are living in Germany. Got on a plane to a North-Eastern city of Thailand one day, I was overwhelmed by a cheer number of “farang” (Westerner) passengers travelling with their Thai wives and kids apparently visiting the wives’s home towns.

So why are Thai brides so popular among Westerners?

I asked that question to a Dutch guy, a friend of mind, the other day. “Is is because Thai women are more obedient and service-minded?”, I suggested to my Dutch friend. His answer was that is only part of the reasons. The more important reason, he opined, was that Westerners found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more precisely, to have higher sex appeal. I was a little stunned with the answer.

The types of looks of the Thai women well liked by Westerners do not necessarily conform to our norm of pretty women among Thai men. But other Western men seem to confirm my Dutch friend’s observation.

Some opinions of Western men:

“Thai ladies are the most beautiful women in the world, and Thai women are the most beautiful in Asia. For many decades Western men have been captivated by the sheer beauty and femininity of the Asian Women.”

“I find Thai women in general to be less self-centered and family-oriented than I find in Western women.”

The Westerner’s feeling is well reciprocated by Thai women. Many Thai girls are disappointed by Thai men who are famous for womanizing, drinking and gambling. Thai women believe Caucasian men are more responsible and sincere.

This trend is likely to continue for some time.

1,210 Replies to “Why Thai Bribes?”

  1. That is so not true, they marry for other reasons, not because they’re “beautiful”

  2. In BKK and other tourist areas Foreign men have bad reputation for being whore mongers. This is actually the perception of countryside ladies as well until they see or hear stories about Foreign men meeting and marrying and helping lady take care of her family. So foreign men there are categorized as either sincere or just coming to Thailand for wanting sex. And all ladies who have interest regardless of their motives will try to find out as quickly as possible if the foreigner is sincere with her or not. If he only wants sex he is considered a bad man. Not much gray area here for the reputation of foreigners in Thailand.

  3. I think western men are looking for something different and exotic. Growing up in the US, Europe, or Australia is tough on men. Women can be brutal even if you are simply saying a friendly “hello.” The fact that Thai women will even treat them with respect gives western men more confidence to talk to more women.

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